
Showing posts from July, 2024

Traits of a High-Performer

 Jennifer Morris, MD MBA ABPN ABOM ABPM-add ISSP  Performing successfully requires performing well, and performing at this level consistently to achieve true potential and be successful in life. Accomplishing this requires several life organization strategies to perform:  1. Understanding effective goal-setting:  goals guide what an individual is striving for. Written goals are more compelling, as they create a contract with the self. Additionally, written goals lead to real, actionable steps that serve to note progression (or lack thereof) toward the goal. Setting intermediate goals alleviates the pressure of attempting to create too much at once, and also alleviates next-step uncertainty. Effective communication with others at this step is critical for effective goal-setting, whether that be a work team or a support system. In setting goals, one takes on role of a leader by setting good examples, taking interest in the success of others and the direction of the project/company, and a

Youth Athlete Burnout

Jennifer Morris, M.D., MBA ABPN, ABPM-add, ABOM, ISSP Youth organized sports participation has many positive elements, including exercise, improvements in  physical health, and emotional, social and academic benefits.  In fact, one fascinating and widely quoted statistic reflects that 95% of Fortune 500 CEOS were athletes (1) Unfortunately, the majority of young athletes give up on organized sports before entering high school (2) Athlete burnout, or overtraining syndrome, is a condition that can lead to fatigue and decreased performance despite continuing or even increasing training. Additionally, burnout in youth athletes can result in kids stopping their sports because they are tired of it, and don't want to play anymore..."they're sick of it and it's no longer fun. " Factors that contribute to overtraining and burnout in youth athletes include perfectionism, higher levels of stress and anxiety, fear of failure, and a uni-dimensional sports identity, as well as

What's up with the new OSSAA pre-participation physicals???

 Jennifer Morris, MD, MBA ABPN, ABPM-add, ABOM, ISSP The Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (OSSAA) recently promoted updated physical examination and parental consent forms for student physicals, to much controversy (1, 2.)  The relevant portion is included below:  Concerns centered on added questions regarding female reproductive health and sex assigned at birth. The questions were released in an environment laced with controversy regarding eligibility of participation in women's sports. It appears these questions may have been included to impact athletic eligibility for transgender athletes. Additionally, many parents, athletes, and administrators perceive the questions as being overly invasive. Indeed, my own daughter gave me the death stare that 11-15 year-olds hold dominion over when we reviewed the new questionnaire. Transgender participation is addressed in the 70 Oklahoma Statute 27-106 biological sex affidavit passed in 2023, notating assigned sex at birth.

Sport and Performance Psychiatry: An Emerging Specialty

  Sport and Performance Psychiatry: An Emerging Specialty